York Deaf Advocacy Service

Vicky Dixon, Team Leader from Community Links, has put together a proposal for a much needed Deaf Advocacy Service in York (and possibly North Yorkshire). She’s seeking feedback from D/deaf adults and young people aged 16+ to help make this a reality.

What the service will do

Provide information, advice and guidance to D/deaf* people aged 18 and over to solve everyday problems that arise as a result of:

  • Communication barriers
  • Health inequality
  • Financial inequality
  • Social inequality
  • Discrimination

*This applies to people who identify as: D/deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Deafened or Deafblind who communicate via BSL, spoken English, Sign Supported English (SSE), written English, non-British Sign Language or any combination of these.

How the service will work

The service will employ one person to deliver the service in 4 different ways:

  • Drop-in service
  • Outreach
  • Advocacy
  • Community engagement

You can find out more from Vicky in this short signed and captioned video: