Confidentiality Policy
Confidentiality Policy
Confidential information is defined as:
‘personal information of a private or sensitive nature which is not already lawfully in the public domain or readily available from another public source and which has been shared in circumstances where the person giving the information could reasonably expect that it would not be shared with others.’
(Information Sharing: Guidance for practitioners & Managers DCSF Oct 2008).
Lollipop (York & District) is an independent charity that provides social and emotional support for children and young people with hearing loss and their families. Members and their parents/carers can be confident in the assurance that we will treat all the information we hold relating to their family with confidentiality. Any data stored on the Lollipop intranet system is password protected with limited staff access. Paper records are stored in locked cabinets in locked offices with limited staff access to keys.
Everyone involved with the running and upkeep of Lollipop (York & District): trustees, subcommittee members, employees, freelance activity instructors/leaders, and volunteers are made aware that information given to us by a member or a member’s parent/carer should not be disclosed to anyone other than those in the aforementioned roles.
This additionally applies to the content of discussions which take place at trustee and subcommittee meetings, and also within conversations and disclosures of information which take place in the Lollipop office. It is the individual’s responsibility not to reveal this information and any breach of confidentiality could lead to dismissal from the charity.
All individuals involved with Lollipop (York & District) are advised of our confidentiality policy and are required to adhere to it.