As a small charity we are grateful for every single donation we receive no matter how large or small. If you would like to show your support there are so many different ways you can do this, from small monthly donations to leaving a gift to Lollipop in your will, making a one-off donation to pay for a member to attend an activity or organising your own fundraising event. Below are lots of ideas and details of all the ways to donate or fundraise!
Individual donations and regular donations

Make stand alone or monthly donations using the donate button below which will take you to our PayPal page. No matter how big or small, every penny counts. Your donations help our members meet and make friends with deaf children and young people their own age, enabling them to build a deaf peer group, reduce isolation and build confidence as they grow older, move to secondary school and beyond!
Regular giving helps us to receive a steady income and regular gifts allow us to plan ahead. A standing order set up with your bank is the easiest and most efficient way of giving on a regular basis, or you can set this up using the Donate button below. If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim back Gift Aid on your donation.
- Giving £5 a month for a year will pay for three members to attend an average activity costing £20 per head.
- A one-off £20 donation pays for a place on a monthly activity for a deaf child or young person
- A one-off £50 donation pays for a child to learn to swim in a deaf-friendly environment
- A one-off £120 donation pays for a BSL interpreter to attend an activity, making it accessible for all
- £3,500 pays for a year of monthly activities for one age group
You can also donate by cheque by making it payable to Lollipop (York & District) and sending it to our registered address: 3 Woodward Way, Thorpe Willoughby, Selby, YO8 9FQ
Give as you earn (GAYE)

If you are an employee and your employer operates a Payroll Giving Scheme you can donate to Lollipop through your payroll under the Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme. Donations to Lollipop made through payroll giving are taken from your salary before tax. For example, every £10 you give will only actually cost you £8 (at the standard 20% tax rate); the taxman pays the balance. If you pay higher rate tax at 40%, the actual cost of a £10 donation is only £6.
Every time you’re paid, your Payroll Department deducts the agreed amount and sends it to us. There’s nothing more for you to do. Please ask your employer how you can set up a regular donation to Lollipop using GAYE.

Events and challenges: There are countless fundraising ideas you can do to for sponsorship. Push yourself to the limit by running a marathon or jumping out of a plane! Too ambitious? You could do a sponsored silence instead or a BSL challenge! It really doesn’t matter what you decide to do, every penny you raise helps support Lollipop. Don’t forget to send us a photo of what you get up to so we can add to our blog, newsletter and Facebook page!
Community fundraising: We love to work with sports clubs, supermarkets, church groups, community groups and local schools. Your event means a lot to us and if you let us know what you’re going to do we’ll be more than happy to tell people about it on our website, through Facebook and Instagram, and in our newsletter. We can also send you leaflets, collecting boxes and posters to help you explain what Lollipop does and why people should support your cause!
FUNdraising at work: Members of staff who are taking on a challenge for Lollipop can ask friends, family and colleagues to sponsor them…
- Auction your boss
Auction your boss to raise money for Lollipop. The winner will buy their time, e.g. for an hour or a day –and give them some tasks to carry out. Should be interesting! - Have a dress down or fancy-dress day
Get everyone to donate a set amount to come to work in their casual clothes, pyjamas or even in fancy dress. - Get a counter collection box
A collection box for small change is a simple and easy way to raise funds. We’ll provide the box and all the support you need. Just email - Donations for our Annual Prize Draw
Every year we sell tickets for an exciting Prize Draw which we hold at our Christmas event. We need some fantastic prizes to entice people to buy tickets. Could you donate a prize?

Lollipop is a partner of Free Wills, where you can create a legally-binding Will online or over the phone on a scheduled call. This is done with absolutely no cost to you, the process prompts you to make a gift to Lollipop in your Will, if you would like to, in return for this service.
By remembering Lollipop in your Will, you would be helping to ensure that we can continue our work helping deaf children and young people thrive in all aspects of their lives. We promise that your gift, however large or small, will be spent wisely and make a genuine difference to children’s lives. We will honour those who have left us donations by naming the item your donation has paid for and thanking your family for your generous gift.
Create A Free Will And Help Support Lollipop (
Lollipop, as a registered charity, can receive:
- Pecuniary Legacies | These are monetary gifts with a fixed value – for example, you might leave £5,000 to Lollipop in your will. You can also choose to leave a percentage of your final estate (everything that you own including land and individual bank accounts). However, it’s usually best to leave a specific value because percentages can technically decrease in value over time.
- Specific Legacies | Some donors prefer to leave a donation other than money, for example a piece of jewellery or a high-value item. Others prefer to leave something that can be displayed, such as a tree or park bench.
- Contingent gifts | In these cases, you would leave a monetary sum to Lollipop in your will, providing another condition has been met. For example, you and a loved one might both have a contingent donation to Lollipop. If your loved one passes before you, then you could leave a donation in your will – this would be the ‘contingency’, that your loved one dies first.
- Residuary Legacies | After the rest of your estate has been distributed, for example any homes or land you own and specific monetary amounts, there may be some ‘left over’. You can assign this to a charity like Lollipop. Your solicitors will be able to calculate how much this is worth and donate it to the charity.
You can also consult a solicitor when making or amending your Will. You will need to instruct them with your wishes and provide them with our name (Lollipop York & District), charity number (1105538) and address (Lollipop York & District, 3 Woodward Way, Thorpe Willoughby, Selby YO8 9FQ). The links below provide details of other organisations who can help you.
Institute of Professional Will Writers
If you do decide to leave a gift to Lollipop, we would be very pleased to hear from you so we can thank you, keep you informed of our work and ensure that your wishes are carried out accurately. Please email us at or call us on 07537 863927.
We hope that this page has been helpful to give you some ideas, there are so many ways to support Lollipop, the only limit for fundraising is your imagination! If you do decide to donate please do leave your name and contact email if you’d like to, so that we can send you a thank you.