The next Lollipop Monthly Virtual Quiz is on Friday 21st May at 8pm and this month it’s going to be a little bit different!

As regular quizzers will know, our quizzes are hosted by Virtual Quiz Events who are having a bumper drive to deliver more funds to charities and fundraisers, with their ‘Magic May Fundraising’ event.  All quiz events for charities/fundraisers in May will have the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place prize winnings added to the charity’s donations, meaning that instead of receiving 60% of the quiz entry sum, the charity will receive 80%. We would love it if our generous supporters could help us make this our biggest quiz ever to raise as much as possible! Spread the word to your friends and family! The entry fee is £3 and not only will you be having fun but you will be supporting Lollipop at the same time and in this current climate we need it more than ever, so THANK YOU!


Step 1 – For new players, please register to play before the quiz starts by clicking below.

Register to Play

Step 2 – Search for Lollipop under Available quiz Events and click on March’s date to enter and pay for the quiz.

Step 3 – Your quiz entry will be listed in the Pending Quiz Events tab. Simply press PLAY to enter.

For those of you that are already registered, please log in and skip to Step 2.