We are very happy to have received support from four funding providers this Autumn term.

We are delighted to have been successful in our funding applications to both the Sylvia and Colin Shepherd Charitable Trust and Gay and Peter Hartley’s Hillards Charitable Trust, who granted Lollipop £2,000 and £1,000 respectively towards the cost of activities in the coming year.

We have been granted £4,000 by Ovingdean Hall Foundation, also for activities costs over the next year. All our activities are free for members to attend, and these grants help to make it possible!

Last but not least, we have been successful in securing £5,000 from The Two Ridings Community Foundation to contribute towards our ever-increasing running costs.

To top it all off our Christmas prize draw and raffle raised a fantastic £760 this year!

Thank you to everyone who entered the prize draw and raffle, and to all the organisations who have chosen to support Lollipop!


HOME - The Sylvia & Colin Shepherd Charitable Trust


Hillards Trust


Ovingdean Hall Foundation - Panathlon Challenge | Panathlon Foundation Ltd. Registered Charity: 1072638  Giving to enrich lives & transform communities in North & East Yorkshire, York & Hull
